WOAH HELLO... it's been almost a year?! i have a good explanation: i took a very long nap. and now i'm back in full swing, so here's a longer post to go over what i've been up to! i have a big backlog full of drawings both in pencil and digital form that i have to start going through to refine and/or post. my ocs have developed (THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY GETTING THEIR OWN OC PAGE HERE...), my girl is called saima and she gained a big brother called venni! i'll go more into them when i compile all the stuff about them (there's a LOT). that was the most important part to get out first lol.

venni is only a year older than saima so people often mistake them for twins, also bonus genderbend

besides just drawing, i've been learning to use blender and godot... for what? something horrifying (i'm not kidding the learning curve feels like it but it's very rewarding haha). this is the little creature i'm currently working on.

i'mma be real i keep fucking up the walking cycle so bad she walks like a scuttering critter

there's been a small increase in my otaku bullshit too, it took me a while to get my hands on any mika merch, but here we are. also i couldn't stop hauling reopis... they called to me, they wanted to come home. and a nagi (i love him too lol).

fujomaxxing + my main messy merch pile yes it gets dusty a lot

speaking of mika, venni was almost entirely based on him because mika is literally genetically engineered in a lab to be pandered to me, i love everything about him from his personality to overall design and his fashion. then he looked so similar to saima that i was like... yeah they're siblings now (there's also more ocs, venni's crush/obsession/whatever the fuck and his little sister who's their mutual friend, i have a whole relationship chart for that lol). BUT YEAH all this to say i got the recent meikyuu denshi kairou mika ahehaeheahaehaehea. i can't stop screenshotting him....


we've gone through art and merch so next i'm gonna show you my latest fashion. i've been online thrifting again (GOD MAKE ME STOP) and it's only slightly getting out of hand. a few of the stuff i've put together so far, coords and decorating! or just a dumbass dog shirt i couldn't resist.

trust me there's more to come... especially dresses. i've been super into pink leopard print lately so i made ribbons for my new bags! and blinged out my phone it's so cutie now

i feel like i'm missing out on something but hey there's always tomorrow to post more. good for now! now to edit my other pages like currently watching, it's so outdated as of writing this!! I DON'T HAVE A WORKING GUESTBOOK EITHER... i need to add a "currently playing" too, i've been playing metaphor: refantazio for like four months at this point... maybe i'm being a bit too thorough with it. i love strohl, hulkenberg (BIG SURPRISE I LOVE THE ELF) and cuculus (he's the only character who made me cry LMAO) but gallica is so cute too like what we have elves, fairies yadda yadda yep i love it. my mc is called eliko hehe. time to brew tea, thank you for reading!! \(^^ )/