last two days were very low energy, not taking my extended walk really takes its toll, huh. add creative troubles on top of it and it's a disaster soup. anyways resetting to having some sort of routine does the trick, going outside really is good advice, who would have thought!! also got some art done, fixed up another piece for tomorrow. and here is a new wobbly cat as promised to fit the mood:

he's running with spring in his step and spring in his mouth

good thing i tidied up last night, that's another thing that brings up the energy. oh and it's really exciting to see that my regular route that works as a ski track in winter is finally thawing! you're not supposed to walk on it during winter to not disturb the skiers, so i've kept my eye on it from a distance. i saw a video about nature journaling the other day, seems like a really good idea to get to know your immediate surroundings and learn a thing or two about the local flora and fauna. i think it's really fun to bring a little notebook with you on walks, though i probably look a bit silly jotting down ideas while sauntering around. i took a photo of another trunk that i really want to attach here, but it's almost the same as the one before. would be funny to include a new tree trunk in every post though. i did see a white and a brown hare running around, but they were too far to show up properly in a picture. now i'm all tuckered and ready to rest, maybe i'll have an interesting photo to show next time! night night! ☆